Ocean Clover♣'s Blog!

OMC! 70 hits in one day???

Posted on: March 29, 2010

I was working on trying to find my old Dr. Hare glitch account on Pop for the 500 hits thing, but then I realized something: I now have over 600! 70 hits in just one day! Seriously??? That’s like a record for meeeeeee! Yes. I know most of y’all have blogs that get over 5,000 hits a day, but this is special for mwah! Oh yeahz! Anyway, I’m gonna keep trying to remember the username and pass for that Dr. Hare account. Oh, and I want everyone to share the account instead of like, whoever gets it first changes the pass and keeps it for themselves. Since, if you look at the account, you’ve obviously viewed this blog, and so, yah, the prize goes to… YOU!

Update: Sowwyz, but I just found the account, and I accidentally put on a hat, and then the Dr. Hare face went away! I can’t get the glitch to work again…phhhft…… I’ll come up with an even better reward! Besides, it wasn’t really that special: you can get most of the outfit now on the iCostume. Hmmm… any ideas? It’ll be better with people saying what they want!

5 Responses to "OMC! 70 hits in one day???"

CONGRATZ! 648 hits is a LOOONG way to go! I think you should name your sock monkey Cheeze! It will sound cool!! 😀

YEAY! My gravatar actually works! BRAVO!! I’d really apriciate (I think I spelt that wrong) if you took a peep at my blog: http://www.AnnieSophie.wordpress.com

THANK YOU xxxxxxxxxxx

I went there! Lovez it! 😀 I’ll comment soon!

Hiya, I’d love it if I was in poptropicalthunder’s blog (author) and could you PLEASE PLEASE ask if I could be one???

Sure! I’ll make a post. You’ve got good grammar, a wordpress, and you’re nice! 😀

OMC!!!! We now have over 700 hits! *faints*

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