Ocean Clover♣'s Blog!

I don’t have time to post anymore! Whether it’s schoolwork, catching up with my real-life best friends, chorus, or anything, I can’t just magically make a half hour more com in a day, you know? I’ll try and post sometimes, but not very often. I’ll be posting every day when it’s summer! Please don’t spam while I’m gone, and try and make this blog better, even with hardly any posts! And, no, this isn’t a late April Fool’s Joke or anything like that. Ummmm…. tell the other blogs I work on , too! Tell them not to delete me! Bye! I’ll try to post at least twice a month!

^^^^^I submitted this one to the PHB for April’s 911, but I forgot to say that I made it…. 😳 They’ll probably just say it was made by Anonymous. I did not Photoshop it! It was a glitch…

Imma so bored………… So bored that I made a Harry Potter Stuffz page! It’s under Cool Thingies, and pretty soon I’m gonna make a Percy Jackson and the Olympians page too. Anyway, sorry for the short post, but guess what? On the widgets, ya know the thing that says this blog is worth $6? I heard it’s based on how much you update, but I update a lot, right? Do I need to post more? Huh? I’m gonna make a poll… anyway, sorry for the shortness of the postness! BTW, I’ gonna also make a kind of Translator page because sometimes I say things like, for instance, if you didn’t know what “awesomefull”, my word, meant, it’ll have the definition there!

Update: Da Poll is here!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The official spring break ends tomarrow! The weekend is just plain normal… ugghhh… I guess Ill give you a better description of my spring break.

Friday, April 2nd:
Spent mostly the whole day on the computer playing Truth or Dare with Smart bones….

Saturday, April 3rd: Went to a park egg hunt and only got a few eggs, had an egg hunt at home with Hope (I’ll explain her later), and, finnally, rode my bike in the school track with my parents.

Sunday, April 4th:
EASTAH, PEOPLES! I gotz a full basket of candy! NO LIE! It was full of… wait for it… CHOCOLATEZ! YAH! I also got Smackers shampoo, body wash, lotion, and lip stuffz, but Imma just excited about the CANDY!

Monday, April 5th:
WE WENT TO THE MOUNTAINS! I can’t say which mountain it was, but it was 1 mile high, and I went to the VERY top with my dad! It was so windy up there I thought I was gonna blow away! We tried flying my kite, but guess what? It was so windy all of the sticks flew out and so did the ribbon, but it was still flying! At the gift shop I got a mood ring, a rock called Pyrite, and one of those stretched-out pennies that said the mountain name on it. Plus, I went inside a HUMONGOUS rock, went across a long bridge on the mountain, went to the Nature Museum, and saw tons of animals in the Animal Habitats (including an eagle eating a mouse!) On our way home from the mountains, we went to a little old town with an art store, a park, and expensive ice cream!

Tuesday, April 6th:
Went to the mall with my mom, and you’ll never believe this! MY MOM GOT MEH TWO PET FROGS! Yay! I gotz a pet (well, two). I named them Kiwi and Lime, and Kiwi loves to stretch his legs out, while Lime just likes to chill. Also, after shopping at Bi-Lo later, GUESS WHAT? This part, you really won’t believe! I FOUND A DIAMOND LAYING IN THE ROAD! It was tiny, and shiny, and I saw it because I had a glint stuck in my eye! I put it in my Mario Mushroom, you know, from the candy? That’s where I keep all of my tiny important stuffz. Then, my mom said we could go out for ice cream! YAYZ! But right outside the store, LOL, I jinxed myself, saying that nothing could go wrong, and then when I enter the store, POOF! They no longer have my favorite ice cream flavor, Cotton Candy! :O

Wednesday, April 6th:
Blah blah blah, my mom went back to work, my dad was up, and we gardened. We planted Spinach (yuck, I hate spinach!) and watermelon. I had to get rid of my stink bomb… BOOOOOOOO! Why? I dunno! Parents are just like that. Thowin’ out everything useful.

And, so, wha-la, you’re caught up!

1,000 CHEESE TYPES! 1,000 PIES! 1,000 DOGS NAMED POPTART AND ALLIE! 1,000 hits!!!

Recipe for 1,000 hits (I think; either that or poison sewage)

What you need:

  • 1 ½ cups of posts
  • ¾ cups of colors
  • ¼ cups of cool graphics
  • 1¼ cups of interesting and funny stuff
  • ¼ ounce of smilies


  1. Start with an interesting introduction with pictures, colorful words, and smilies. Make the post lenghthy and delicious! Oh, and very funny!
  2. Advertise everywhere you can! Ask sites you work on if you can put your blog on their Blogroll.
  3. Update with new posts and un-boring pages at least 2 times a week!
  4. Keep the visitors interested with contests and events!
  5. Let it simmer for 3 or 4 months. You should have a fully-hitted blog by then!

I’ll come up with another celebration thingy later… please hold, my brain is out of order, get your gumballs at another machine!

Sorry I didn’t post the winner 2 days ago, I was off the computer enjoying my TOTALLY INDESCRIBABLY AWESOMEFULL spring break. The winner is…

♓♥Cooky Moηzтa♥♓’s Little Sun Account!



I decided to do 2nd and 3rd places too, so 2nd place is…

♪♥Smart☺Bones♥♪’s Puff2girl account!


3rd place:

AnnieSophie’s Account!



A GINORMOUS thanks to everyone who entered! It was such a hard desicion! Well, that’s all for now! For spring break we went to the mountains, went to an old fashioned town, blah blah blah, yada yada yada, yak yak yak. Also, I rode my bike, and gardened. Plus, I changed the name of here to Ocean Clover’s Site instead of Ocean Clover’s Blog.





























































































I doubt that’s 100, but if I make any more, this will take up the whole page!

Cheese is here,
Cheese is there!
Cheese is around EVERYWHERE!
No need to hide,
No need to run!
No need to hide cuz cheese is all FUN!
Here I am,
with mah cheese…

-From Smart Noodle/Cheese’s blog

She dared me to do this… 😆

Do you want to find new ways to go green? Do you like to save the earth? Do you want to help others? Then, here’s your place! I recently re-invented a blog from a long time ago called…

The Green Goers!

The Green Goers is a website where you get new tips on how to go green! Some of our events include the Green Goer of the Month, The Reusables (this is where you say things like old washcloths or cans that can be turned into something amazing, and tell us how!), etc, etc. It hasn’t had hits in a while, so if you would advertise it on your blog, that’d be awesomefull! The link is…


So, come on! Click the link already!

SPRING BREAK STARTS TODAY! YAYZ! Sowwy I didn’t post about my day yesterday, I just had the most horrible experiences. The first one, if I tell you about, you’d think I’m a horrible greedy person who makes people have pity for her when it’s someone else’s situation, and the second, I can say. My friend Victoria is quitting AIG!!! Noooooooooooooooo! I’ll never see her anymore, since we’re in different classes! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Anyway, I think the 2 ½ week sub thinks I have a mental problem or something because I cry at least 5 times in 3 hours per day… :/ Why are you looking at me like that? Jeez.  Anyway, for Spring Break I’m going to the mountains, I’m gonna ride my bike, play outside in the GORGEOUS weather, go to a park egg hunt, stuff like that. And, oh, on Poptropica, I finished Mythology island! It’s my favorite island! It isn’t the least bit kid-ified, it’s fun, it’s almost even harder than Astro-Knights, and oh, yeah! Hades isn’t the villain. He helps you. And, hen you complete the island, you get rewards! I SHALL SAY NO MORE! Sorry… you’ll have to see for yourself if you don’t have membership! Also, in the multi-player room, I found a player who is really nice, and is really good at games like Pathwise (I only beat her once) and Paint War (I only beat her twice) and not so good at Sky Dive, yes, yes, it’s… Hyper Starfish! We back and forth challenged each other to games, and it was fun! Sorry mez no get cheeseshot. Oops! I mean screenshot! I got cheese on the brain today! Well, I have to go get changed out of my pajamas, because I’ve already delayed that for 2 ½ hours…BRB!
smiley icons

Hitsy stuff

  • 2,589 Hits! Oh yeah! Cheese for everyone!

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Me! Wait, I don't need this... Oh, I'll get rid of it later.

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